steam on linux mint 20

How to install Steam on Linux mint 20

In this tutorial we will download and install steam on Linux mint 20 using two of the available ways. Use steam to play your favorite games on linux.

instal lwine on linux

How to install Wine on Linux Mint 20

Wine is an awesome piece of software to run Windows softwares on Linux and Mac natively. It supports a wide range of softwares and windows libraries including Steam and games. It is mostly used for playing windows games on Linux and using adobe softwares such as photoshop on Linux. Wine supports almost every Linux […]

Install Simple screen recorder on Linux

What is SimpleScreenRecorder? SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program created to record softwares and games. The goal of SimpleScreenRecorder is to to be simple and feature rich at the same time. It’s ‘simple’ in the sense that it’s easier to use than ffmpeg/avconv or VLC, because it has a straightforward user interface. You can use it […]

add item to mint menu

Add applications to cinnamon menu in Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a beautiful desktop operating system based on Ubuntu Linux with outstanding customization features.. In this tutorial we will add a custom application in the Linux Mint main menu or Mint menu. Linux Mint gives you full control over the look of your system. You can customize it as much as you want. […]

How to install Ubuntu 20.04 (with pictures)?

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is the latest edition in the series of Ubuntu, which is based on debian. Starting installing Ubuntu now by downloading it from the official website and following this tutorial.

linux mint look

Install Linux Mint 20 on VirtualBox (with Pictures)

Full tutorial on installing Linux Mint 20 on Virtualbox. Set up Linux Mint in a Virtual environment easily using this tutorial with pictures.

webmin linux mint 20

How to install Webmin on Linux mint 20

Webmin is a free and feature rich control panel for Virtual private servers, Dedicated servers and even local server.
Install webmin on linux mint 20 using terminal or package installer.


How to install VirtualBox on Linux mint 20

Install virtualbox on Linux mint 20 or ubuntu 20.04 using terminal or deb file easily. Virtualbox. is the best software for virtualization technology.


How to Install OpenVPN on Linux mint 20

Install and set-up OpenVPN client on Linux Mint and Ubuntu using Vpnbook. Vpnbook is an easy to set up VPN client for all multiple platforms. It supports OpenVPN and PPTP protocol.

install tor on linux mint 20 and ubuntu

How to Install Tor on Linux Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04

Tor browser is a magnificent tool to protect your anonymity online. Tor is built on Firefox; it blocks trackers and several fingerprinting scripts that track you across the web to map your activities Tor Browser isolates each website you visit so third-party trackers and ads can’t follow you. Any cookies automatically clear when you’re done […]

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